The Association For International Sport for All (TAFISA) is hosted every four years since 1992. The 6th TAFISA World Sport for All Games was held in Jakarta, Indonesia, 6-12 October 2016. Indonesia Sport for All Federation (FORMI) organized the 6th TAFISA under the patronage of UNESCO and IOC, acknowledging the important role that traditional sports and games play in shaping civilizations and cultures, national identities, and cross-boundaries unity.
“Unity in Diversity” is the theme for the TAFISA World Sport for All Games 2016, which reflects the cultural diversity of Indonesia. With over 10.000 participants from 90 countries, the 6th TAFISA held the following sport programmes: Traditional Sport & Games Festival, Beach Recreational Sports Festival, World Kite Festival, Children Traditional Games Festival, World Dragon & Lion Championship, International Youth & Extreme Sports Games, and International Gateball Championship. Ducosky is the official photographer for World Dragon & Lion Dance Championship on TAFISA 2016.
The World Dragon & Lion Dance Championship on TAFISA 2016 is divided into four categories: Dragon Dance, North Lion Dance (Pekingsai), South Lion Dance Traditional (Barongsai), and South Lion Dance on stilt. The competition was being held for three days and participated by 35 teams from Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Banten, Bali, Bangka Belitung, Laos, Brunei, Hongkong, Thailand, Vietnam, and Chile.
To view more photos of World Dragon & Lion Dance Championship on TAFISA 2016, please visit this link. Don’t forget to share this blog, especially if you are one of the participant, share to your friends and family too!
The opening ceremony of World Dragon & Lion Dance Championship on TAFISA 2016.
Team work is the key!
The Dragon Dance performance by Hongkong won the first place for Dragon Dance category.
North Lion Dance performance by Vietnam.
Kabasaran tradisional dance from Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
South Lion Traditional Dance performance by Thailand.
Smooth landing by Bodhi Dharma Shaolin team from Bangka, Indonesia, on South Lion Dance on Stilt, won the first place.
Congratulations to all the participants, you are all champions!
TAFISA 2016: World Dragon & Lion Dance Championship
The Association For International Sport for All (TAFISA) diadakan setiap empat tahun sekali sejak 1992. Pada kali ini, Indonesia menjadi tuan rumah dari TAFISA ke-6 yang dilaksanakan pada 6 – 12 Oktober 2016 di Jakarta, Indonesia. Diselenggarakan oleh Federasi Olahraga Rekreasi Masyarakat Indonesia (FORMI) dan didukung oleh UNESCO & IOC, TAFISA bertujuan untuk mengingatkan pentingnya olahraga dan permainan tradisional dalam membentuk budaya, nasionalitas, dan persatuan antar bangsa.
“Unity in Diversity” merupakan tema dari acara TAFISA 2016 yang merefleksikan kekayaan budaya dari Indonesia. Lebih dari 10.000 peserta dari 90 negara berpartisipasi dalam acara ini, yang dibagi dalam beberapa cabang olahraga, seperti: Traditional Sport & Games Festival, Beach Recreational Sports Festival, World Kite Festival, Children Traditional Games Festival, World Dragon & Lion Championship, International Youth & Extreme Sports Games, dan International Gateball Championship. Ducosky merupakan fotografer resmi TAFISA 2016 untuk cabang olahraga World Dragon & Lion Dance Championship.
World Dragon & Lion Dance Championship di TAFISA 2016 dibagi menjadi empat kategori, yakni Dragon Dance, North Lion Dance (Pekingsai), South Lion Dance Traditional (Barongsai), dan South Lion Dance on stilt. Kompetisi ini berlangsung selama tiga hari dan diikuti oleh 35 tim dari DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Banten, Bali, Bangka Belitung, Laos, Brunei, Hongkong, Thailand, Vietnam, dan Chili.
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